08 September 2024 | 05 Rabi al Awwal 1446
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Press interview with: Youssef Ahmed Al-Batni | Training Supervisor at the Human Resources and Administrative Development Department

09 February 2022

At the beginning of this meeting, we welcome you, the Training Monitor at the Human Resources and Administrative Development Department at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs

We would like to conduct this press interview with you

1- We want to know your CV?

Name: Youssef Ahmed Attia Al-Batni.

Qualification: BA in History - Kuwait University.

Current Job Title: Training Monitor in the Human Resources and Administrative Development Department from 2016 until now.

Previous experience :

- Head of the Business Methods and Service Development Department.

Head of the Manpower Planning Department.

2- Monitoring training in the Human Resources Department and administrative development is one of the important departments in the ministry. What is the main role of this monitoring?

Training Monitoring is an oversight in the Human Resources Department and Administrative Development, under which three sections fall (the Training Program Implementation Section - Training Needs Determination Section and Training Program Evaluation Section - Scholarships and Study Leaves Section). For administrations and employees, implement and organize training courses and develop dispatch plans and study missions.

3- What are the tasks assigned to monitoring the training?

Training monitoring is defined by studying the training needs of all jobs in the ministry, preparing the studies and reports necessary to activate the training activity, preparing and organizing the training courses approved in the ministry’s training plan, in addition to following up on the implementation of scholarship programs and study leave, and coordinating with the Civil Service Commission in this regard.

4- How does supervision seek to develop the performance of the ministry’s employees and raise their efficiency?

Training monitoring seeks to develop the performance of the ministry’s employees by implementing (courses according to the actual needs of the administration and the employee, selecting the best specialized lecturers, in addition to following up on the implementation of scholarship and study leave programs according to the actual need of the ministry.

5- What are the ambitions that monitoring seeks to achieve?

The Training Monitor seeks to achieve many ambitions related to raising the efficiency of workers in the ministry, by participating in achieving the fifth strategic objective of the ministry within the strategic plan 2021/2026, which states (developing the efficiency of human resources, managing talents, making optimum use of them, and preparing distinguished leaders).

6- What are the obstacles facing the monitoring and preventing the realization of its ambition?

One of the obstacles facing work in monitoring is the lack of budget allocated for training, which would affect the efficiency and effectiveness of training courses, and the inability to select highly qualified trainers.

7- One last word you would like to conclude the meeting with?

We thank the Media Department for this meeting and for monitoring the tasks and work of the departments and supervisors in the ministry.

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